Saturday, May 26, 2012

The People Around You

-Oprah Winfrey

Throughout high school I had one "friend" that made me think twice about myself. When I was around her I honestly didn't feel good enough. I felt I needed to be prettier and smarter to get attention from our peers. I needed to have a talent like hers to show everyone that I was special too. I needed a boy at all times that way it looked like I was wanted by the opposite gender as well. When I was around her I didn't immediately recognize these things, but looking back I can see the effects it had. I felt depressed and that I had to please her in order to prove myself worthy or important. Looking back on this I feel so ashamed. How could I let one person's thoughts control me so? How could I let her opinions shape my reflections on myself?

Surrounding yourself with negativity will drain the energy, life and hope right out of you like a leech. Seems pretty obvious, but too often, we allow these negative messages to seep through.

You  have an inner voice telling you that you can do it, that you can reach your goal. But sometimes, that inner voice is distracted, a little discouraged or even intimidated. Sometimes, it lacks conviction. Sometimes, you need an external voice telling you the same thing, reinforcing your confidence and determination.
Meet Katie:

I was at church waiting for my husband's class to be released. As I waited in the hall she came up to me and introduced herself. I hate to admit this but as she was talking all I was thinking was, "you are so pretty why are you even trying to talk to me... me in my tacky fiesta shirt and you in your stylish dress... what could we possibly have in common." Truth be told I was intimidated by her. Finally our husbands came out, and what do you know the four of us planned a time to get together and hang out. I was shocked, nervous and excited.  When we showed up at their apartment my fear seemed to ease as we learned more about this couple. Katie was so nice and outgoing. I could tell she was confident in herself and full of love for everyone she met. Wow I was blown away, and my intimidation feelings exchanged for admiration! The more we hung out the more our friendship grew. It's almost been a year since we met and my thoughts about Katie are still the same. She is so thoughtful, generous and caring. Being around Katie I feel comfortable. Comfortable with myself, I don't have to prove things to her. She excepts me for me... and that is the way it should be.

What kind of person are you? Yikes... thinking about how kind my friend is made me ponder on how I am. Do I help build others up by my actions and examples? Do others feel comfortable around me? I sure hope so! However, there is always room for improvement!

Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher... and be that person too!

Shine on


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